Psycho Film Review

“I’m so harmless, I won’t even swat a fly.” Well according to the film Psycho, it’s true. This movie, directed by Alfred Hitchcock, was the first slasher film and was influential towards coming to movies on time. It’s about a young woman named Marion Crane that steals $40,000 and runs to California. Along the way, she stops at a motel over night to sleep. The rest is just a mystery.

The main analysis from this movie was the camera angles and the music. For example, in the famous shower scene, there were 57 camera angles to depict the murder. With the music all throughout the movie, it made it very suspenseful. For example, when Marion was in her room packing and with the money, the music was very loud. The camera angles were also very important because it went back from the suitcase to her to the money…suspenseful, huh? The acting was over acted especially in the shower scene where Marion is getting stabbed. All of these elements shaped how suspense films are.

I would recommend this movie for all ages because it was very creepy and scary. This movie shaped how suspense films are in modern days. I would give this movie a 66 out of 100.

Toy Story Film Review

“To infinity and beyond!” as Buzz Lightyear would say. The movie Toy Story, directed by John Lasseter was a significant movie because it was the first computer animated movie ever made. It’s about a group of toys that don’t want to be replaced. Then Andy gets a new toy for his birthday and the new toy replaces Woody. After that, they go on adventures. The rest you’ll have to watch for yourself.

The significant part was the use of the PIXAR computer. It was used in order to do the animation. Since it was the first computer animated movie, a lot of the scenes were choppy and off. For example, the people in the movie walked or ran like toys because of how the chopiness affected the animation of the movie. Another thing that was important was the acting in the movie. Woody was really sarcastic and arrogant while Buzz was cocky. In the original script, Woody was way meaner so they had to change the way he acted to make him a little nicer. All of this shaped how successful the movie was.

I suggest that everyone go and see this movie because its the best movie ever. It is one of the my favorite childhood movie and it’s simply amazing. You got to remember that it is the first computer animated movie ever. I would give this film a 100 out of 100.

The Goonies Film Review

“We are the Goonies!” The Goonies was a childhood movie for kids between 1985 and now. This movie, created by Steven Spielberg and Chris Columbus was about a bunch of kids who find a map in the attic and they want to go exploring to find the surprise. Along the way, they get caught by a couple of bandits that escaped from jail. The rest is an adventure.

This movie based a lot on how it shaped childhood movies today. For example, it taught a lesson when everybody wanted to quit the adventure and Mikey said don’t because it was their time to have fun. It taught people not to give up. The Goonies was well known for their booby traps created by Data. An example of the use of booby traps was when Data used the slippery stuff on the logs to make the bandits fall. All of these exampls made The Goonies a popular movie that people still watch today.

I would recommend this movie for all ages because this is a funny and exploring for kids and even teenagers. This movie shaped how kid films are today. I would give this movie a 92 out of 100.

Philadelphia Film Review

Have you ever felt discriminated for your sexual orientation? In the movie Philadelphia, which was directed by Johnaton Demme showed that. Its about a lawyer who gets fired because he “misplaced some paperwork.” He sues his former company and they found out he has AIDS. The rest is a surprise.

This movie taught everyone a lesson because of how bad AIDS were. The famous scene that actually won Tom Hanks an Oscar was the opera scene. It was famous because it was a creative way for Denzel’s character to change his view on gay people. The lesson of the movie was that you should treat everyone with different issues equally. The acting in the movie was very overacted especially at the last scene because it was a very emotional scene. Mainly this movie brought a lesson into it.

I would recommend this movie for everyone because it is so inspirational. It relies of the fact you shouldn’t hate anyone. I would give this movie a 90 out of 100.

Jurassic Park Film Review

“Welcome to Jurassic Park!” This movie was made by Steven Spielberg and was released in 1993. This was the first move to use the PIXAR computer. The movie is about a couple of paleontologists that are invited to Jurassic Park for some experiments. They experienced some technical difficultues with the museum and they had to fix it. The rest is just a mystery.

This movie dealt with two things: animation and conflict. The amination was computerized with the PIXAR computer. They used animatronics to control the dinosaurs. You could easily tell which dinosaur was used by the PIXAR computer or the animatronics. The biggest thing for conflict was man vs. nature because the humans had to fight the dinosaurs. It was a bad idea because you don’t put a species from a long time ago with humans. Another form of conflict is man vs. man. An example of that is when the security system was hacked and they had to fight in order to survive. The whole museum was a mess.

I really liked this movie. I would recommend this movie for all ages because it is kid-friendly. Remember, this was the first movie that used the PIXAR computer. I would give this movie a 85 out of 100.

Jaws Film Review

“Farewell, Spanish ladies…” Jaws is the movie that changed perspective on the world. Directed by Steven Speilberg, Jaws was about a mysterious shark attack that scared the police chief and he wanted to close the beach. The mayor said no and guests came to the beach on thr 4th of July. Another person gets attacked and the rest is just jaw-dropping.

The main anaylsis from this movie was how the movie changed everything worldwide. It taught people that sharks were meant to kill humans and they were scared. The music was very suspenseful, especially when the shark was getting ready to attack. The “mechincal” shark gave people the instinct that sharks eat people, but in reality, they don’t. The camera angles in the movie also gave in as very suspenseful especially in the first scene where the girl got attacked. Another scene that had very suspenseful camera angles was when Ouint was getting eaten by the shark. All of the elements shaped how Jaws was important.

I would recommend this movie to ages 14 to 18 because it was very bloody and very scary. This movie shaped the perspective of sharks worldwide. I would give this movie a 85 out of 100.

Young Frankenstein Film Review

“Do you wanna roll in the hay?” Well according to the film Young Frankenstein, they wanted to. This movie, directed by Mel Brooks was on of the parody films critics rated really high. It’s about Frankenstein’s great grandson who goes back to the castle to explore new things. Along the way, he meets a few new friends to help him. Eventually, Frankenstein explored a lot of new things.

The main analysis from this movie was the acting. The acting was over exaggrated. For example, when Dr. Frankenstein is in the prison cell with the monster and he yells, ‘I’M DR. FRANKENSTEIN!” The makeup that they used for the monster was still overexaggarated because they are trying to portray the original movie, but in a funny way. The camera angles are still the same as the original. The sound was execellent because it was a recent film. All of these things shaped how parody movies are.

I would recommend this movie because it is highly hilarious. This parody shaped how comedy is for today’s film. I would give this movie a 88 out of 100. 

Wizard of Oz Film Review

“There is no place like home!” Well according to The Wizard of Oz, it is. This movie directed by Viktor Fleming that got adapted from L. Frank Baum’s book changed the way film is done today. Dorothy passes out after a window hits her in the head and she arrives in a mystical land. While shes there, she met 3 new people: a scarecrow, a tin man, and a lion. They go together to get their wishes from Oz.

The special effects in the movie were the most important. The bubble for the good witch was the hardest effect made. It was the first time the technicolor camera was used. It expressed/overused the color on everything. For example, the bow on Dorothy’s head was bright red and the glitter on the good witch’s dress would sparkle every time she walked. The acting was overacted because of so many new effects. For example, when Dorothy slaps the lion and he starts crying. All of this shaped how film is used for present day.

I would recommened this movie for everybody because the film was really good for 1939. You will be in awe, like I was with every little special effect and camera angle.

The Wizard of Oz was the first film that made everything change for the rest of our lives. I would give this movie a 79 out of 100.

Frankenstein Film Review

“It’s alive!” You probably would say that if you brought a human back to life. The movie Frankenstein, directed by James Whale was made “way ahead of its time.” Dr. Frankenstein robs a grave and brings it back home. With the help from his assistant, he tries to bring the dead guy back to life. After that, the “monster” goes around and does very bad things.

The main analysis from this movie was the makeup on Frankenstein. The makeup over exaggerates because since it was the first horror film to do that in order to creep viewers out. The makeup from the movie shaped the way wardrobe/makeup is used today. Another main part of the analysis is the camera angles. This was before the technicolor camera was used so of course it was in black and white. A lot of the camera angles were choppy and you could actually tell when it was choppy because of trying it out. Sound was also used in the movie, four years after sound was invented like for example, the music was very loud and suspenseful.

I would recommend this movie for everybody because the film was really good for 1931. If you’re seeing this movie for the first time, prepare to get scared.

Frankenstein was the first horror movie that shaped the rest of our lives and emotions with horror movies. I would give this movie a 69 out of 100.