Jaws Film Review

“Farewell, Spanish ladies…” Jaws is the movie that changed perspective on the world. Directed by Steven Speilberg, Jaws was about a mysterious shark attack that scared the police chief and he wanted to close the beach. The mayor said no and guests came to the beach on thr 4th of July. Another person gets attacked and the rest is just jaw-dropping.

The main anaylsis from this movie was how the movie changed everything worldwide. It taught people that sharks were meant to kill humans and they were scared. The music was very suspenseful, especially when the shark was getting ready to attack. The “mechincal” shark gave people the instinct that sharks eat people, but in reality, they don’t. The camera angles in the movie also gave in as very suspenseful especially in the first scene where the girl got attacked. Another scene that had very suspenseful camera angles was when Ouint was getting eaten by the shark. All of the elements shaped how Jaws was important.

I would recommend this movie to ages 14 to 18 because it was very bloody and very scary. This movie shaped the perspective of sharks worldwide. I would give this movie a 85 out of 100.

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