Young Frankenstein Film Review

“Do you wanna roll in the hay?” Well according to the film Young Frankenstein, they wanted to. This movie, directed by Mel Brooks was on of the parody films critics rated really high. It’s about Frankenstein’s great grandson who goes back to the castle to explore new things. Along the way, he meets a few new friends to help him. Eventually, Frankenstein explored a lot of new things.

The main analysis from this movie was the acting. The acting was over exaggrated. For example, when Dr. Frankenstein is in the prison cell with the monster and he yells, ‘I’M DR. FRANKENSTEIN!” The makeup that they used for the monster was still overexaggarated because they are trying to portray the original movie, but in a funny way. The camera angles are still the same as the original. The sound was execellent because it was a recent film. All of these things shaped how parody movies are.

I would recommend this movie because it is highly hilarious. This parody shaped how comedy is for today’s film. I would give this movie a 88 out of 100. 

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