Toy Story Film Review

“To infinity and beyond!” as Buzz Lightyear would say. The movie Toy Story, directed by John Lasseter was a significant movie because it was the first computer animated movie ever made. It’s about a group of toys that don’t want to be replaced. Then Andy gets a new toy for his birthday and the new toy replaces Woody. After that, they go on adventures. The rest you’ll have to watch for yourself.

The significant part was the use of the PIXAR computer. It was used in order to do the animation. Since it was the first computer animated movie, a lot of the scenes were choppy and off. For example, the people in the movie walked or ran like toys because of how the chopiness affected the animation of the movie. Another thing that was important was the acting in the movie. Woody was really sarcastic and arrogant while Buzz was cocky. In the original script, Woody was way meaner so they had to change the way he acted to make him a little nicer. All of this shaped how successful the movie was.

I suggest that everyone go and see this movie because its the best movie ever. It is one of the my favorite childhood movie and it’s simply amazing. You got to remember that it is the first computer animated movie ever. I would give this film a 100 out of 100.

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